Ruth Yudkin is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist, with many years’ experience of therapy with individuals, couples and families. She has worked at several independent agencies, and now has a thriving private practice. She has a special interest in the needs of LGBT clients and the particular issues that arise for LGBT families. Ruth is also an…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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Gender-neutral pronouns
Unsure how to refer to someone who is gender neutral? Here’s our top six appropriate pronouns and examples of how you would use them: HEN: used in Sweden Herm or they: in place of him or her Ne/nem/nir/nirs/nemself (Ne went to get nir hair cut) Spivak: Ey/em/eir/eirs/eirself (Ey likes to drink coffee when eir workload…
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Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
Tricia and Cathy were excited but daunted when they found out they were pregnant with multiple babies. Then they found out they had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)… After a difficult time finding a clinic they were happy with, and choosing donor sperm, the couple were delighted when they found out Cathy was pregnant. “Two weeks…
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Asking friends to be your sperm donor – how to do it
Part One of a series: How To Approach Known Donors Want to ask your Gay Best Friend to be the donor dad of your future kids? It can be challenging territory. Patricia Salem's been through it. Here’s what she wishes she’d known before she started... There are many things I envisioned about being a gay…
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Famous twins: funny quotes
It's a twin thing... Celebrities say the funniest things... here's a few of 'em... Edward of Jedward “As you can see we’re twins because we look alike and that’s what twins do.” “Once I was like ‘Look, John, that’s you on TV!’ Then I realised... it was me...” “There’s nothing wrong with John, OK,…
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Rainbow family holiday: a review
In issue 8 of We Are Family magazine our editor considers what it takes for her family to feel comfortable on holiday. Sands Resort in Cornwall did a great job of it - here's Hannah's review. Review: Sands Resort in Porth, Cornwall We headed to Sands Resort in Porth, Cornwall for a two-night spa stay;…
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International surrogacy story
An epic Greek tragedy with a happy ending Georgios* and his partner Alexander* live in London with their two-and-a-half year old twins. Georgios shared the story of their incredible international surrogacy journey with We Are Family magazine. Truly international, Georgios was born in Greece, studied for an MBA in Spain, got a job in Russia,…
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Georgios & Alex’s Surrogacy Story: expert response CFC
Surrogacy Attorney Diane Hinson of Creative Family Connections Diane Hinson; Founder, Owner and Senior Partner of Creative Family Connections, a specialist legal firm providing support for anyone going through surrogacy, comments on our lead surrogacy story, and considers the legal complications. Potential for complications The recurring theme in Georgios and Alexander’s story through gestational surrogacy…
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Georgios & Alex’s Surrogacy Story: expert response ORM
Oregon Reproductive Medicine (ORM) Dr Brandon J. Bankowski, MD MPH FACOG, at world-renowned US fertility clinic ORM, gives his response to Georgios and Alexander’s surrogacy experience, and addresses the medical and duty of care issues raised. “Georgios and Alexander’s story is a tragic, but avoidable one. Despite heroic efforts, against insurmountable odds, Georgios and Alexander’s…
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