Why advertise in We Are Family magazine?
Reach our active, engaged readers. Your products and services will help, support and inspire them on their family journey.
Use the headings to jump to the section or for more info.
• Our audience
• Our magazine
• Magazine ad prices & sizes
• Online ads & combo packages
• Promote your events in our online calendar! Super deals available: click here
• Added value
• See what you could have, visit our advertiser (partners) profiles
• Download our media kit here: WAF media kit 2015 for our print & online ad prices and sizes etc
• Email our or ring to discuss your options

Our audience:
• We Are Family magazine is the only LGBT magazine to target the entire family
It is aimed at LGBT families, families-to-be & families with lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans members.
• An engaged and affluent readership
• A wide readership with great potential for growth
• Thriving direct target market – plus wider reach includes extended families and friends
For statistics about the LGBT community and their spending power click here
For statistics about LGBT parenting and family click here
• Our readers subscribe!
That means they are active readers who have already invested in the magazine - they read it because they are committed to LGBT family life and they want to read and learn more.
As well as our individual readers we have many organisations that are subscribers, including fertility clinics, student unions, charities and LGBT-owned or LGBT-friendly businesses - and the audience we reach this way are, again, actively interested and invested in our content.
In addition to our paying subscribers, we send a copy of every issue to GP surgeries, health centres, libraries, adoption and fostering agencies, LGBT parenting and support groups and other interested bodies nationwide. Many of these copies have multiple readers, who, with our targetted discounts and offers, may also become subscribers in the future.
Our magazine:
Classic A4-sized glossy magazine with 52+ pages per issue. Vibrantly designed with adverts and editorial on facing pages throughout.
• Great promotional potential for your brand or product
• Exceptional value for money
• Premium spots such as inside front cover and outside back cover are available.
• With a quarterly publishing cycle we are a long-life vehicle for your advertising & brand messaging
• Issue by issue we are growing as an indepth reference for our readers. Our magazine has an extended shelf - people keep us - we don't end up in the recycling bin!
• Our back issues are in demand - as a valuable resource every issue lasts and lasts, and if your ad is in, so does that!
This is a family magazine. We don't carry ads for 'adult-content' phone lines etc. You won't find your ad next to adverts for adult services.
Advertising prices and sizes (magazine-only ads)
Online-only ad packages:
• All packages offer 3 months exposure (or until the next issue ends, whichever is longer)
• All packages include high profile home page appearances
The Grand Daddy: £1000
• Hero image* reference as one of our supporters, plus editorial coverage where relevant
• Featured banner ad on our home page: premium spot: only 2 available!
• Business profile on our Partners page: includes your ad, logo and 100 words of text plus contact details with live email/website links
• Event listing in our calendar where relevant
• Editorial in relevant section of website
The Big Mumma: £600
• Home page banner ad
• Tailor-made business profile on Partners page: includes your ad and 100 words of text plus contact details with live email/website links
• Event listing in our calendar where relevant
• Editorial in relevant section of website
The Kid £350
• Click-through logo on home page
• Business profile on our Partners page: includes your logo and 50 words of text plus contact details with live email/website links
* Our hero image slides are the opening images at the top of our website (we have 6 slides, each viewed for around 8 seconds). This content is written by us and has to be relevant to our readership and in line with our branding. We may be able to use your images of families but this is not guaranteed.
Combined online & print ad packages
(click to see full-size version)
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Added value:
We have tons of opportunities to add value to your advertising package. Email our or ring to discuss your options.
• Editorial
We can offer our advertisers a number of advertorial opportunities
• Featuring in seasonal or themed photo-led product focus pages
• Previews or reviews of your events/books/DVDs etc
• Positive, real-life experiences (testimonies) from users of your services
• Every issue we run how-to & reference guides, directories and listings pages - when relevant your details can be included in contacts lists, a box-out feature or focus, or within the main feature.
• Website
Our newly revamped site allows us, for the first time, to offer you online marketing opportunities
• Home page presence with our limited number of Logo-Link and Profile-Link ads
• Our dedicated partners page offers space for your banner ads or our custom-built advertiser profiles, and is highlighted in our main menu
• Inclusion in our event calendar
• Many of our articles are kept online as part of our reference library - if you're featured in these your details will be included as printed.
• Inbox campaigns
We have a sign-up e-newsletter - reach our readers and supporters directly in their inbox - to keep things special we only accept two adverts per campaign.
• Social media
We can incorporate regular mentions on our Twitter and Facebook pages into your tailored advertising package.
• Competitions, offers, giveaways
Increase your We Are Family magazine presence by offering these extras to our readers - in the magazine, via their inbox, or through social media - with click-through links to your site for competition answers (due to data protection we cannot share personal details of every entry, but we can encourage traffic to your site).
Download our media kit here: WAF media kit 2015
For all our magazine advertising rates, ad sizes, more stats and info