Many parents-to-be are frustrated by the social limitations of gender stereotyping. They don’t want their girls to only play with tea sets and dolls or their boys to be dressed only in blue pretending to be policemen and playing with diggers and trucks. Gender-neutral parenting gives children free choice and nurtures creativity, self-awareness and identity…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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Sharing my story
My first official 'talk' to share my story - and the Routes to Parenthood Show Last weekend I got to meet myself 12 years ago - several times! The We Are Family team trekked to Manchester for the Routes to Parenthood show – the second in a new series of regional shows. We had a…
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What is it about marriage?
As Ireland is on the verge of voting on same-sex marriage, Hannah contemplates what marriage and family building means to her So The Republic of Ireland are about to vote on same-sex marriage. The 'No' voters, driven by the Catholic Church, are outraged – they say marriage, the bedrock of family life, should be between…
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Home alone with the little monsters
With her wife away, Hannah experiences work/life balance as a single parent Running a business and bringing up two under-fives is often full-on. Rowena, my partner, is contracted to work four days a week but, in her demanding job, most weeks she seems to cram five days work into four very long days. We have…
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