IVF is a great way to start a family but it can be a stressful process. GENNET City Fertility clinic in London offers professional counselling to people going through IVF to reduce stress and improve their chances of conception For same-sex couples, single women and couples who have had difficulties conceiving naturally, IVF (in vitro…
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Alternative Family Week
Alternative Family Week gives advice to would-be mums and dads, and will help raise awareness of different families through a series of events run by fertility experts and parenting networks. Learn more about the legal aspects of having a family, meet experts in adoption, go on a trip to the Zoo and more. For day-by-day…
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The Fertility Show

Whether you’re just thinking about starting a family or have been trying for ages, find out what you need to know at The Fertility Show. - 60 talks from from 70 of the world's leading fertility specialists - just £ 1 each! - 100 exhibitors with doctors, clinicians, practitioners and fertility experts available on their…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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National Fertility Awareness Week

In National Fertility Awareness Week we aim to: Raise awareness of the #1in6 couples in the UK struggling to become parents Explain what options exist for the #1in6 couples experiencing fertility problems Highlight the emotional and physical impact of infertility This year our three key themes are: Our fertile future – promoting the importance of…
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Sperm donors: anonymous or not?
This year it is ten years since the laws changed around sperm and egg donor anonymity. Where all sperm and egg donors had been anonymous, they are no longer. Donor-conceived children now have the right to trace their biological donor once they turn 18. So if our sons, who are 5 and 2, had been…
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Choosing a fertility clinic
Lesbians & fertility treatment: how to choose a clinic Many lesbians wanting to start a family choose to go to a clinic for treatment and use donor sperm, but with many clinics competing for your business how do you decide where to go and what treatment to have? Helen Priddle, Embryology Lab Manager at the…
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