Bobby was born profoundly deaf, but with cochlear implants he can now hear fully. We hear his story plus more information about the implants that can help young children with their speech and learning development. It was World Hearing Day on 3rd March 2016. This is an annual awareness-raising event organised by the World Health…
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Same family, different schools
James Williams is a gay dad of two sibling boys aged 10 and 9. He is a writer, actor and director. He writes about his life with his partner as a gay family formed through adoption. Read his blog at 4relativestrangers which is soon to be a book. He was awarded the title of National…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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Looking back at the Families Through Surrogacy conference
A definitive success! I always give myself a month or so to reflect on and to judge the success of any event that I help to organise. Some will judge by the number of attendees, others will judge by cash flow; I don't, I judge the success of my events by whether or not they…
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What We Are Family means to me
No plans for parenthood yet, Laura considers why the magazine matters I’m Laura and I am the Subscriptions and Distributions Manager at We Are Family. I thought I would write a little piece about what We Are Family means to me, as a young member of the LGBT community not looking to start a family…
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Our four year old wonders about families
Hannah considers her son's understanding of family One Saturday afternoon I was queuing for lunch at a family restaurant. Noah, our four-year-old, was hanging off my arm in a constantly moving knot: doing that wriggling-jiggling routine familiar to parents of under-fives, as if he has a snake under his skin. Noah looked behind us and…
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