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National Adoption Week
19/10/2015, 8:00 am til 25/10/2015, 11:55 pm

National Adoption Week promotes adoption to all walks of life. Previously run by BAAF, the week is now run by adoption information service First 4 Adoption. Look out for gay parents in the press speaking positively to promote LGBT adoption. They have pledged to retweet all tweets with the hashtag #NationalAdoptionWeek so get tweeting your support!
This years’ week tackles the issues around older children. Older children waiting to be adopted are often likely to be in sibling groups or to have additional needs and there is currently a shortage of adoptive parents coming forward for these children.
Sadly, sibling groups, those with complex needs and children from black and minority ethnic families are amongst the children who wait longest to be adopted. During National Adoption Week 2015 local authorities, adoption agencies, and all of us who work in adoption, will be working together to highlight the plight of these vulnerable children and to help them find forever families.
National Adoption Week website page
Our inspiring adoption articles