Are you interested in becoming a foster carer but don't know enough about it? Perhaps you assume your circumstances or expectations mean you wouldn't be accepted. Here, with help from Achieving for Children, we get all your questions answered. There are now 70,000 children in care. Many of these children are on the adoption register…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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LGBT adoption: jargon buster
Jargon buster Tummy mummy: an easy term instead of birth mother that young kids understand Forever family: a child’s adoptive family are known as their forever family to acknowledge the permanent bond between them Life story work: a story book with, where possible, photographs of each child’s journey from birth through foster care to their…
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The adoption process in 10 steps
Here’s a breakdown of the adoption process. This may vary depending on your agency but these are the likely steps involved. Step 1: preliminary enquiry Make contact with a local adoption team through your council, a charity or other adoption organisations. They will ask you a few questions to establish whether you are eligible,…
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“Our best Christmas present ever!”
Paul and Mark had always wanted to be parents. After hearing positive things about adoption through Salford City Council they decided to go for it and apply. This is their journey... Watching their two-year-old son tear round the house on Christmas Day was better than any Christmas present Manchester couple Paul* and Mark* could have…
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A tribute to looked after children for their resilience
Guest blogger Anna Bianchi is a creative activist, writer, workshop teacher and change guide, as well as a grandmother with a 4-year-old grandson who is exploring female gender identity. Anna's last post exploring supporting her grandson's gender identity expression through courageous parenting created quite a bit of debate. Here, in her second blog post, Anna…
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What to expect from the adoption process
A step-by-step guide Here’s a breakdown of the adoption process. This may vary depending on your agency but these are the likely steps involved. Step 1 Preliminary enquiry Make contact with a local adoption team through your council, a charity or other adoption organisations. They will ask you a few questions to establish whether you…
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LGBT Adoption & Fostering: myth & jargon buster
Myth buster There is no legal minimum age (although some services have their own policy such as over 21) There is no official upper age limit You can be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Single people can apply as much as married or unmarried couples or couples in a civil partnership You do not need…
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Trans lesbian couple finally form a family
"You're going to be parents!" Harriet* is 24 and lives in the south west, with Lizzy*, 40, and their two adopted children. Here she tells their adoption story. “They’ve said yes,” our social worker said on the phone. “You’re going to be parents!” Those two short sentences marked the transition between the eternity of waiting…
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Attachment disorder explained
Attachment disorder is a term often used in reference to children who have been in care. What is it, where did the term come from and how do you deal with it? Richard Field is an educational psychologist, foster carer and carer for the Albert Kennedy Trust. He shares his knowledge with us. After the…
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