Babies and sleep regressions: how to survive them

James Williams, gay dad of two adopted siblings and writer of the 4 relative strangers blog is our Guest blogger for summer 2015.
He is a writer, actor and director and adopted his sons, aged 10 and 9, two years ago. His blog about his life with his partner as a gay family formed through adoption is soon to be published as a book. He was awarded the title of National Adoption Champion in 2014.
Follow James Williams here • • twitter: @4RStrangers • facebook: 4relativestrangers
Anna Bianchi is a creative activist, writer, workshop teacher and change guide, a mum to a gay son and grandmother to a 4-year-old grandson who is exploring female gender identity.
Anna’s blog:
You’ll also find posts from occasional guest blogger Richard Westoby, of Families Through Surrogacy