James Williams is a gay dad of two sibling boys aged 10 and 9. He is a writer, actor and director. He writes about his life with his partner as a gay family formed through adoption. Read his blog at 4relativestrangers which is soon to be a book. He was awarded the title of National…
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Unexpected lessons
Olivia reflects on her time at We Are Family, and what she's learnt along the way When I started my Social Media and Marketing internship at We Are Family, I expected to gain more experience in expanding the magazine’s reach and in planning promotional campaigns… Happily, for my future career prospects, (I think) this has…
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From Beyond the Couch
Ruth Yudkin is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist, with many years’ experience of therapy with individuals, couples and families. She has worked at several independent agencies, and now has a thriving private practice. She has a special interest in the needs of LGBT clients and the particular issues that arise for LGBT families. Ruth is also an…
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Interview with Susan Golombok

Susan Golombok is director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge. Her fascinating book, published in March this year, brings together over thirty years of research into new family forms – forms which include lesbian and gay-parented families, single mothers by choice, and families created through assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The…
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